I get asked quite a bit as to why I have so much energy. I truly believe it is because of how I start my day. My morning smoothie fuels me and sets the tone for the rest of my day. So the next question I get is, "What's in your smoothie?" The health benefits I feel are all a combination of these ingredients. All of which are anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory and full of Omega-3's.

In addition, adding spices to your morning smoothie, like cinnamon (keeps your blood sugar regulated, avoiding the blood sugar roller coaster) and Turmeric are highly beneficial. Turmeric, is the most powerful herb on the planet for preventing disease. Dr. Axe shares more about the benefits of Tumeric here.
Lisa's Morning Smoothie
1 cup unsweetened, organic almond milk, Pacific (or make your own)
1 cup organic coconut water, Harmless Harvest
2 Tbsp. Chia seeds, Spectrum
1 Tbsp. Hemp Seeds, Manitoba Harvest OR 1 Tbsp. Flax Seeds, Bobs Red Mill
1 tsp. Turmeric powder
½ tsp. Cinnamon
1 scoop of Sun Warrior Vanilla Protein Powder (plant based)
½ scoop of greens, Genesis Today
2 Tbsp. E3Live Brain On
¼ cup unsweetened plain yogurt, Straus
1 cup of frozen, organic blueberries
½ cup frozen pineapple and mango
Handful each: organic spinach and kale 1/2 organic banana
Handful of ice
Blend & Enjoy!